Why Study Marketing
Let us consider some of the compelling reasons for learning marketing.
- It generates an exciting and a rewarding career.
- It is a significant economic activity for which consumer set apart a major portion of their income.
- It is a major sub system in an organization.
- It is personally relevant to all since everyone always behave either as a consumer or as a marketer.
As a student: marketing may help you to find rewarding career opportunities
One of the important reasons for studying marketing is that it
influences almost all the activities of commercial and social life.
It is obvious that a majority of the work force of a country is
engaged in various types of economic activities related to
marketing viz. Production, advertising, distribution, selling
purchasing etc. Therefore, having some knowledge of marketingor acquiring professional skills in this field will help you to find
rewarding career opportunities.
As a Marketer: marketing makes your efforts easier to approach customers
Majority of the commercial organizations perform marketingactivities irrespective of whether it is profit oriented or not.
These activities involve advertising, purchasing, selling, and
distribution, product development etc. As a result, a large
portion of the working population is employed as marketers.
Therefore, they should have a thorough understanding of the
activities they perform. For instance, they have to approach
customers to develop Marketing Mix Strategies. (Product.
Price. Place, Promotion strategies).
As a Customer: the knowledge on marketing direct you for correct choices
In any society every individual has to behave as a consumer
since he/she is not self-sufficient in his/her day to day needs and wants. People have to purchase goods and services from
the producers or sellers. To get the best for what they spend,
knowledge of branding, specific features of products, channels
of distribution etc. is required. If they know something about
marketing they will be able to make correct choices. Every
citizen acts as a consumer most of the time and about 50% or
more of his/her every day expenditure is on consumables. This
involves activities related to marketing.
As a citizen: marketing helps you to achieve maximum satisfaction
Even though you have to spend 50% or more of your
income on things associated with marketing, we should
not forget the fact that it creates employment
opportunities. Further it fulfills your needs & wants to
achieve maximum satisfaction.
Why Study Marketing |